
We are very excited to announce an initiative that will culminate with the launch of the Ethereum Climate Platform (ECP) – a project initiated by blockchain software technology company ConsenSys in partnership with Allinfra. This is a landmark industry initiative designed to accelerate capital into climate-aligned assets at scale.

Founding members of the platform launch team include AAVE, Art Blocks, Celo, the Climate Collective, Codegreen.Org, Enterprise Ethereum Alliance, ERM, Filecoin Green, Gitcoin, Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC), Laser Digital, Microsoft, Polygon, UPC Capital Ventures, and W3bcloud, in collaboration with Gold Standard. There is still a growing list of prominent stakeholders from the Web3 ecosystems, as well as civil society leaders.

This initiative launches two months after The Merge – the largest decarbonisation of any industry in history, which eliminated open-source blockchain Ethereum's daily energy needs. Ethereum successfully shifted its consensus method to proof of stake, and thus lowering its future carbon footprint by over 99.992%.

As both Allinfra and ConsenSys build technology solutions on the Ethereum blockchain, the two companies are taking inspiration from Ethereum’s shift to near-complete climate alignment and initiating the design and launch of the ECP with other like-minded organisations with the aim of achieving far greater carbon mitigation than that represented by the Ethereum ecosystem’s carbon footprint dating back to the network’s launch in 2015.

While the platform is being built for and by the Ethereum community, the initiative will have contribution from a diverse field of climate finance experts with the intention that the ECP will serve as a model to the global technology and business community to engage in climate mitigation together.

The ECP’s mission is to incentivise the financing of real-world green projects that generate new emission reductions and sustain positive climate impact long into the future. Projects will include nature-based carbon opportunities, green hydrogen, zero carbon power, heating, cooling and other utilities, and carbon removal projects, technologies and ecosystem services. Based on the long-standing and innovative leadership represented by the ECP community, you should expect to see ECP acting with an “art of the possible” mindset as it tackles verifiable carbon mitigation at scale.

Funding high-quality and verifiably green projects is critical in the fight against the climate crisis. Yet, historically, the process of assessing the real environmental impact of assets and deploying capital to the right projects has lacked transparency and efficiency. Team Allinfra is pleased to have the opportunity to design a better system with technology.

You can learn more about the Ethereum Climate Platform by visiting the ECP website.