
We’ve spent months refining the Allinfra platform to ensure it covers everything required from an issuer and user perspective when it comes to digital securities.

Critically, this doesn’t just mean making it easy to transact, but also ensuring appropriate checks and controls are in place.

The Allinfra platform has a number of advanced features for digital security issuance including:

  • Multi-jurisdictional investor accreditation
  • KYC/AML and CTF checks for individuals, corporates and UBOs
  • A full tax module for CRS and FATCA declarations
  • Streamlined online document execution and purchase
  • Asset disclosure
  • Peer-to-peer trading
  • Full issuer control and bespoke compliance policy implementation

This video gives a brief overview of selected features from the Allinfra technology offering available to users and potential issuers — from account creation to secondary trading. Check out this video and our other content at our YouTube channel here.

To stay up to date with the latest company updates, check out allinfra.com and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.